Plan By PD For DVS

To the women that besides the household and maternal duties, they should educate themselves and find additional source of income through the available facilities and assistance.

1. Women Empowerment Training Programme
2. Farmer Training Programme in Horticulture Sector
3. Workshop-cum-Seminar for Progressive Farmer
4. Mushroom farming
5. Women Farmer Training in Dairy & Poultry
6. Workshop cum Seminar on Food Processing
7. Seminar on Water and Sanitation
8. Youth Empowerment Training Programme 9. Sanitation Awareness Programme
10. Education-Cum-Training Programme for Women Farmer
11. Workshop Cum Training to the Farmer
12. Seminar on Bio-diversity, Conservation & Eco Development through Watershed Management
13. Water Bank (Water Resource Management

With your support, we can invest in Education, Health, Livelihood opportunities for less privileged in the community.